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Welcome Broward Injury Claim

Broward County—Thank you so much for checking out our website to know more about Broward's injury claim and how you can get compensation for damages incurred by motorists with bad driving habits on the Broward roads. We can’t let them get away with creating mayhem and shattering dreams because they are road bullies! Any form of accident that causes you loss, you can seek compensation through negotiation. You don’t need to go to court with every little thing, but when you are injured and suffer mental and physical anguish, make a claim through a certified Broward specialist in injury cases to advocate for you in Broward.

If your car is totaled in a crash, your insurance company may want to give you less than what your car is valued to replace the write-off vehicle. Don't blindly accept their first offer without reviewing the details—you would be surprised how much more you can get by paying attention. Here are five tips when negotiating the best claim settlement on your totaled car.

Have Documented Evidence

As you research how to get more money from your insurer when your car is totaled, you will understand that your settlement is closely- tied to the evidence you can present concerning the condition of the car before the accident. Have your paperwork to show how much you paid for the car and your maintenance service records.

Have a Detail List of Features

Provide the insurance adjuster with a detailed sticker of all the features that came with your car when you purchased it, or contact the dealer to request a detailed list if you can't find the sticker. And you can always go online to check--This helps you to get fair market value.

Have a Counter Offer

You should start preparing a counteroffer instead of waiting until they make you an offer, knowing fully well that they will not offer you full value! They always want to pay as little as possible. Present your support documents and arguments to show a reasonable counteroffer.

Research Comparable Cars Near You

In your research, visit car sale websites that sell vehicles similar to yours in mileage and features. Two similar cars with different mileage can make a significant difference, so be sure to add the mileage. Showing the insurance company what other vehicles are selling for near you is one settlement strategy to advance your case.

Get the Offer in Writing

Let the insurer show you documents calculating how they reach the amount they offer. Ask them to email you the offer in writing, such as the CCC and valuation report, and check if it matches your valuation. Please give us a call and leave your name and email address so we can get in touch. Thanks for stopping by!

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